Hi Ivo!

Mainly the editing of the plans in APT is hard work for me. I do my exposures on a small Laptop in my observatory which is not very comfortable... I would like to create the plans on my PC during daytime and then Transfer them to the Laptop. I also would like to have an easy tool for creating complex plans, like LRGB mosaics.

Anyway just trying to give you an impression about the features of my application.

This is the main scrren on start. On the left the ASCOM tab is open and all Equipment is connected (green).
On the top-right you'll see the main Imaging controlls:
"Start" will start the exposure and saves the Images to disk.
"Preview" will start a single exposure and will not save to disk.
"Preview Loop" will continue to make previews until unticked.
"Frames" is the number of Images to record.
"Exp.Time" is the exposure time.
"Zoom" magnify the Image by 75%-1000%. (f.e. for focusing).
The Camera tab
Controll fast readout, binning, cooling and  subframing of the camera if possible.
It is also possible to show an overlay (f.e. crosshairs) on the Image. from here the overlay can be rotated.
A Histogramm can be displayed and  also small image enhancement.
The Mount tab.
From here the mount can be controlled.
Also it is possible to define a mosaic. If defined after pressing the "Start" button on the main Screen, the Mount will be moved to the mosaic positions and on every position the Images (according to the image Settings) are recorded. I required a cvs file will be written with all data of the mosaic including the Images and filenames.
The Filterwheel tab.
Here it is possible to Switch between the filters of the filterwheel.
It is also possible to enter a focus offset for each filter. On change the application will refocus automatically.
Also the data for a LRGB sequence can be entered here. Several filters can be used and for each filter the number of Images, the exposure time and the binning can be defined. If ticked it will be used when the Start button on the main Screen is pressed.
LRGB sequence and mosaic can be combined.
The PHD tab.
With "Connect" the app will connect with PHD, and with "Start" PHD will be commanded to start guiding.
The Label between the Buttons can Display Messages.
The Goto+Search tab.
You can select an object from the list (several list can be available and loaded) or enter coordinates. With pressing "Goto" the scope will be moved to the coordinates.
if started the scope will be moved in an increasing circle.
Manual mosaic:
If not using PHD or Problems with guide stars, this is another way for mosaics. After starting it will just go to the next mosaic Location. there you can manuall establish guiding or do whatever. When ready for the next mosaic Location, you just have to press "next" again.
The Darks+Flats tab.
During Imaging all combinations of used filters, exposure times, binning and cooling are recording. The application calculated the corresponding darks and flats and will list them here.
When pressing "Do Darks" the application will record the darks automaticall. The same for the flats.
The Focus tab.
Nothing Magic :-)
The possible overlays.
"Overlay from file" gives the possibility to use a Picture file as overlay.

The General Settings.
Settings the paths several Kinds of files and also if Log-files should be written.
The ASCOM Settings.
Setting up the camera, filterwheel, focuser and Mount.
Also PHD Settings are placed here.
The Imaging Settings.
The filenaming is configured here.
Also which Imageformat to be used when saving.
The Filterwheel Settings.
All filters are defined here - Name, Focus Offset and Color.
Several configurations can be defined, saved to disk and loaded.
Use of the filetr Colors in the application...
The Mount Settings.
Also nothing Magic.
I found that some Mounts are not correctly dealing a move-offset command. if you send f.e. a "DE +2°" the move -2°. So I added a possibility to revers the commands for these Mounts.
Also for the mosaics (and also any other goto) I have some Parameters here.
The Presets Settings.
For exposure times and cooler target temperatures some values can be predefined. These values are possible to enter via a short pulldown menu.
Also scripts are possible. They can be saved and loaded to/from disk.