Here are some screenshots for your Information.
If you have any comments or wishes, please let me know.
The right list contains all defined plans, while the left list just contains the plans of a "plan-set".
Plans from the right list can be copied to the left list, can be deleted, edited and also new plans can be added.
The plans in the left list can only be reordered or deleted.
Plan-sets can be saved to disk and loaded from disk.
A APT Settings file can be imported. All included plans will be imported to the right list or if already there will be updated in the right list.
When exporting to a APT Settings file, a Settings file is read and all included plans will be deleted. Also all plans from the current plan-set will be added to the Settings file.
With "Mode" it is possible to Switch between EOS and CCD plans, and the same for the "Type". These filters work for the whole application.
If a plan is selected in the right list and the button "Edit" is pressed, the Editor Shows up.
This should be quite familiar... (I havent implemented plan cloning yet)
2 new things - at the top is a button "create mosaic / LRGB with this plan" and above the command field is a button "Goto".
Lets start with "Goto".
When pressed a new Dialog Shows up:
You can enter the coordinates in the RA / DE fields or select an object from the list.
When pressing "OK" the Dialog closes.
Now lets go to the "create mosaic / LRGB with this plan" stuff.
Its possible to create a mosaic, a LRGB-sequence or both together.
If both are defined you can decide if the LRGB-sequence is nested in the mosaic or if the mosaic is nested in the LRGB-sequence.
"Nest LRGB in mosaic": The scope is moved to every mosaic Location and there for each filter the exposures are processed.
"Nest mosaic in LRGB": The filters are changed and for every filter the scope is moved to every mosaic Location and there the exposures are processed.
Defining a mosaic si simple. Positions can be every combination of Locations from "1x1" to "5x5". Size is the size in arcmin of the Image (current telescope and camera) and the desired overlap. Overlap is the area where to Images will overlap. In the example the camera makes Pictures of 20'x10'. With an overlap of 25% the Locations will have a distance of 15' in RA and a distance of 7.5' in DE.
Defining a LRGB-sequence is more simple. You can enable up to 6 filters for the sequence and select them from the Dropdowns.
At the end you can give the mosaic/LRGB-sequence a Name.
With pressing on "OK" the plan will be created.
For every mosaic Location there will be 2 exp-structures added: "#SetObjName" with the "Name" from the mosaic-dialog plus an index.
"#GoToOffset" with the movements to each Location of the mosaic.
After each move all Exposure-structures of the pplan before creating the mosaic are copied.
This means if the plan had 2 exposure-structures ("60sec Images" and "120sec Images" for example) before you started the mosaic-dialog, the created mosaic will contain these "60sec Images" and "120sec Images" at each mosaic Location - or for a LRGB-sequence for each filter.
In this example there was just one expsoure structure (60s, ISO3200, 5s pause, 15 Images, RAW, NoChg). In the final mosaic you find this at the Topics 3, 6, 9 and 12 (2x2 mosaic).
At the end of the plan another exposure-structure is added, a "#GoToOffset" back to the Location before starting the mosaic.
Still lots of Debugging...
Adding the Duration of the plan.
Possibility to edit the filter Settings and ask if filters should be imported from or exported to a APT settings file.
I'm also thinking about writing my own XML-class for reading and writing. Currently I'm using a predefined xml-class, but I already had some Problem with it.
Writing empty Attributes was one of the Problem. Instead of writing "<RunCommand></RunCommand>" it was writing "<RunCommand />".
Next Problem was reading your objects.xml file. My first attempt for the Goto-List was to use your object file. But reading it was impossible, as the XML-class always mentioned unallowed chars. I guess some Problem with the coding...
So the current XML-class seems to be a bit too touchy...